age has slowed down his movements 意味
- 年をとって彼は体の動きがのろくなった
- age 1age n. (1) 年齢, 年; 老齢; 寿命. 【動詞+】 learn to accept old age 老齢を受け入れるようになる
- has {人名} : ハス
- down 1down n. 降下; 非運; 《英口語》 恨み. 【動詞+】 go through ups and downs in life
- his HIS {略-1} : Honeywell Information Systems ハネウェル情報システム
- movements movements 動作 どうさ 動勢 動静 どうせい 立ち居 たちい 立ち居振る舞い たちいふるまい
- pace has slowed 勢いが衰えてきた
- slowed down economy
- slowed-down economy 減速経済{げんそく けいざい}
- an adult-age eldest son who has yet to come into his inheritance an adult-age eldest son who has yet to come into his inheritance 部屋住み へやずみ
- new age has come 時代が改まった
- ask someone his age (人)に年齢{ねんれい}を尋ねる
- boys about his age 彼と同じ年くらいの少年たち
- considering his age considering his age 年々 年年 としどし ねんねん
- man his age 彼と同じくらいの年の人
- man of his age 彼の年齢{ねんれい}の男